Re: New dev model (was [PATCH] delete devfs)
From: Ben Hoskings
Date: Wed Jul 28 2004 - 01:26:49 EST
On Monday 26 July 2004 12:12, Bernd Eckenfels wrote:
> In article <200407261138.55020.ben@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> you wrote:
> > I think the idea of forking off certain releases in the 2.6.x.0 form, to
> > only recieve bugfixes and security updates, is a very good idea.
> Leave that to the vendors, they already do that.
> Whats wrong with adding features which touch major parts of the code only
> to 2.7, and perhaps bacport them if they proof to be worth it?
I guess it's pretty similar in practice. I brought it up because the idea of
freezing releases at 2.6.x.0 is more fine-grained, and as such it seemed to
me that it would be less of a maintenance overhead.
Although labels aside, I suppose the two systems are acheiving the same thing
in the end.
> Greetings
> Bernd
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