RE: --- (or anyone else) one small i2c question.

From: Denis Vlasenko
Date: Fri Jul 30 2004 - 01:35:09 EST

On Friday 30 July 2004 08:40, Reinder wrote:
> Hm, Greg must be on virtual holiday.
> Yoo-hoo?
> Anyone else, then alive?
> I hope open source doesn't mean "Closed community :)"

We're not closed :)

However, this does not mean that each and every mail is answered here.

> Here I am. I want to contribute some code. But I need some help, because
> not everything can be done alone on this planet. Sometimes you need
> guidance.
> It's better to talk, and send people away on a search, then to ignore
> people.
> And all I want is some small help with i2c.

Sorry, I don't have any experience with 12c.
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