On Monday 02 of August 2004 17:35, Corey Minyard wrote:You are correct, a test and set operation is really needed.
The IPMI watchdog has never supported writing "V" to disable it. It's a
mixed bag with the other watchdogs, some do and some don't, but I can
certainly add that function. Or even better, I'd be happy to take a
patch :).
Like this one (untested beside compilation) below?
btw. other watchdog drivers use:
if(test_and_set_bit(0, &wdt_is_open))
return -EBUSY;
while ipmi does just:
ipmi_wdog_open = 0;
should it also use bit operations or setting =0 is just fine?
Your patch looks very good. Could you add the test and set change, too? Then I think it is ready to go in.
- support disabling watchdog by writting ,,V'' to device.
- unify printk()
Signed-off-by: Arkadiusz Miskiewicz <arekm@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>