Re: Problem installing cloop
From: Luiz Fernando N. Capitulino
Date: Tue Aug 03 2004 - 12:31:52 EST
Hi Lei,
Em Tue, Aug 03, 2004 at 01:05:50PM -0700, Lei Yang escreveu:
| I was trying to get
| cloop-2.0.1 built and installed on a SuSe 9.1 box with kernel version
| 2.6.5 . I followed all the instructions in
Well, I did a cleanup in the cloop code, merged it in 2.6.7, and
enabled it in Kconfig:
The patch is here:
I did it for another project some weeks ago, sorry for not posting
it here before (But, as far as I can remember, I sent it to knopper).
PS: Its a patch again't the kernel, you will have to get the standard
tools from knopper page.
Hope it helps,
Luiz Fernando N. Capitulino
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