I've been really disappointed by the performance of the Silicon Image 3114 on my new x86_box. I spent a bunch of time looking into the problem, thinking it was a software RAID5 or xfs issue causing 4K IOs.
I don't know why I didn't notice the 'applying Seagate errata fix' in dmesg until after I did a bunch of performance testing and realized that it was a sata_sil issue.
So, I was wondering what I can do about this problem? I am not currently
getting enough disk performance to justify the amount spent on the system or enough to satisfy the application I'm working on. Before I go out and purchase a 3ware controller and re-install the machine (ouch), is there any chance of a better work around in the near future? I'd be more than willing to test out a patch.
Is the problem with really with nblocks % 15 == 1? Or is the problem with nblocks % 15 == 0? If it is the later and I'm using xfs with 4K blocks, couldn't I just turn off the workaround or will the RAID5 driver potentially break up larger requests?
It would seem that the root of the problem is a Seagate issue. Does anyone know if Seagate fixed the problem with a firmware update?