Re: 2.6.x Fork Problem?
From: Alan Cox
Date: Thu Aug 12 2004 - 08:13:04 EST
On Iau, 2004-08-12 at 01:01, Torin Ford wrote:
> I've widdled the code down to just do this:
> pid = fork();
> switch (pid)
> {
> case -1:
> blah; /* big trouble */
> break;
> case 0: /* Child */
> exit(1);
> break;
> default: /* Parent */
> pid2 = waitpid(pid, &status, 0);
> if (pid2 == -1)
> {
> blah; /* check out errno */
> }
> }
> and I get the same results, so I now the exec has nothing to do with it.
Well I see two oddities in the example. You call exit() not _exit() so
the child will duplicate various queued stdio of the parent. Doesn't
seem to be relevant however.
Secondly and I suspect of importance you don't do anything with SIGCLD
so you are inheriting a random status. If the child signal is being
ignored then it will be cleared automatically. In that situation your
code functionality depends solely upon which thread runs first.
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