Re: [patch] voluntary-preempt-2.6.8-rc3-O5

From: Lee Revell
Date: Thu Aug 12 2004 - 19:05:32 EST

On Thu, 2004-08-12 at 17:54, Lee Revell wrote:
> I still have not had a chance to test with the latest
> patches & config changes.

Here are all the log entries produced during this test:

rlrevell@mindpipe:~$ for test in 1 2 3 4 5; do echo; echo "Test $test";
jackd -n 100000 --realtime -d alsa --rate 48000 -D -P hw:0,0 -C hw:0,2
-p 32 -S >> mm2; done

When one jackd process is running, starting another jackd process,
using a different device produces an xrun in the first. If mlockall-test
is run while a jackd process is running, this also produces an xrun in
the jackd process.

So, it seems that if a SCHED_FIFO process opens a PCM device using mmap,
then mlockall's the memory, then another process mlockall's memory, the
result is an xrun 100% of the time.


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