Re: Generation of *.s files from *.S files in kbuild
From: Benno
Date: Thu Aug 12 2004 - 19:40:33 EST
On Thu Aug 12, 2004 at 22:25:35 +0300, Dan Aloni wrote:
>Is the generation of *.s files from *.S files in the kernel
>build system a wide spread phenomenon? As far as I can see
>only is built that way in my default i386 config.
>It causes problems when trying to cross-build a kernel on a
>file system that has case-insensitive filenames, or on a GNU
>port that is case insensitive (such as Cygwin).
>If anyone wondered, I'm trying to cross build a Linux kernel
>on a Cygwin system using a Linux native toolchain, in order
>to make development of the Windows port of coLinux easier
>for some people.
Hi Dan,
I'm having the exact same problem on Mac OSX with the case-insensitive
HFS+ filesystem.
After looking the only files that use this rule are the
files. (Although there is one of them for each architecture.)
It is actually a bit frustrating because due to the way make works
this is a problem even if you use a separate build directory.
The solution is fairly striaght forward -- just change the suffixes,
the problem is exactly how to change them. I would propose changing it
such that was stick with "" and have it generate ""
This would require the fewest changes to implement, just
1/ change %.s %.S rule to
2/ change the link flags from "-T" -> "-T"
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