Re: PATCH: cdrecord: avoiding scsi device numbering for ide devices
From: Frank Steiner
Date: Fri Aug 13 2004 - 00:26:45 EST
Robert M. Stockmann wrote:
Now listen up Jens, i don't do default, i like to know what went
So instead of using the default which works you choose to select your
own method which does not work. And then you complain, and you don't
do that in alt.os.linux.suse or similar, but in comp.os.linux.advocacy
just telling how you disappointed you are and how much better Mandrake ist.
Sorry man, but this sound very much like a troll trying to start another
"this distribution is better than that one" flame war and not someone
asking for help or technical background information.
grundliche engineerung
Wow wow, now you better be careful what you say next.
Dipl.-Inform. Frank Steiner Web:
Lehrstuhl f. Bioinformatik Mail:
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