Re: Linux Incompatibility List
From: Wakko Warner
Date: Sat Aug 21 2004 - 16:00:24 EST
> > > >Ideas/comments/suggestions are welcome at this stage.
> > >
> > > Sounds interesting; is there a vendor blacklist (i.e. vendors that are
> > > either hostile toward or simply don't care about Linux and their products
> > > just won't ever work with Linux?)
> >
> > Broadcom's wireless chips come to mind...
> Nvidia. AFAIK all nvidia Linux drivers are either binary-only or
> reverse-engineered.
True, however, their video cards *DO* work on linux (even though it is
binary-only). I have a laptop that has the chip. Does any broadcom
wireless chip work on linux (ndis wrapper or that piece of junk from
linuxant doesn't count)
> To add insult to injury they have a stupid 20+page 'Nvidia Linux
> Advantage' whitepaper on their site that conveniently fails to mention
> the above. They probably spent more money for some marketroid to put
> that together than they ever spent on actually supporting Linux.
Haven't seen that myself.
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