Re: [RFC] enhanced version of net_random()
From: Stephen Hemminger
Date: Mon Aug 23 2004 - 12:08:19 EST
> The attached code will certainly work on Intel machines. It is
> in the public domain, having been modified by myself to produce
> a very long sequence...
> I wouldn't suggest converting it to 'C' because the rotation
> takes many CPU instructions when one tries to do the test, shift,
> and OR in 'C',
> Cheers,
> Dick Johnson
> Penguin : Linux version 2.4.26 on an i686 machine (5570.56 BogoMips).
> Note 96.31% of all statistics are fiction.
My choice of PRNG was not random. I am not a mathematician (IANAM),
but what I was looking for was:
+ well researched
+ fast
+ good distribution
+ small seed (since per cpu)
+ Free and open
The second version uses tausworthe because it was the fastest in the GNU scientific
library and had good properties.
Returns integer pseudorandom numbers uniformly distributed within [0,4294967295].
The period length is approximately 288 (which is 3*1026).
This is Pierre L'Ecuyer's 1996 three-component Tausworthe generator "taus88"
This generator is very fast and passes all standard statistical tests.
P. L'Ecuyer, Maximally equidistributed combined Tausworthe generators, Mathematics of Computation 65, 203-213 (1996), see Figure 4.
P. L'Ecuyer, Random number generation, chapter 4 of the Handbook on Simulation, Ed. Jerry Banks, Wiley, 1997.
The following table shows the relative performance of a selection the available random number generators. The fastest simulation quality generators are taus, gfsr4 and mt19937. The generators which offer the best mathematically-proven quality are those based on the RANLUX algorithm.
1754 k ints/sec, 870 k doubles/sec, taus
1613 k ints/sec, 855 k doubles/sec, gfsr4
1370 k ints/sec, 769 k doubles/sec, mt19937
565 k ints/sec, 571 k doubles/sec, ranlxs0
400 k ints/sec, 405 k doubles/sec, ranlxs1
490 k ints/sec, 389 k doubles/sec, mrg
407 k ints/sec, 297 k doubles/sec, ranlux
243 k ints/sec, 254 k doubles/sec, ranlxd1
251 k ints/sec, 253 k doubles/sec, ranlxs2
238 k ints/sec, 215 k doubles/sec, cmrg
247 k ints/sec, 198 k doubles/sec, ranlux389
141 k ints/sec, 140 k doubles/sec, ranlxd2
1852 k ints/sec, 935 k doubles/sec, ran3
813 k ints/sec, 575 k doubles/sec, ran0
787 k ints/sec, 476 k doubles/sec, ran1
379 k ints/sec, 292 k doubles/sec, ran2
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