Re: DTrace-like analysis possible with future Linux kernels?
From: Joerg Schilling
Date: Mon Aug 23 2004 - 23:17:00 EST
Christoph Halder wrote:
>True, to europeans this sounds far too overenthusiastic - almost like a
>commercial - and will most certainly lead to the impression, that the
>article is not very serious.
>Europeans try to write serious articles VERY neutral - any personal
>opinion(s) will only be a short statement at the very end of the article.
No, it is definitely not overestimated.
It is more likely to rather be the opposite and you will find this out if you
try to use dtrace or attend a demo.
Dou you know of any other system where you can say:
Print me a strack trace with symbols for all processes on this
computer (even stripped ones) that call gettimeofday() within the
next few seconds.
Note that you do not need a special kernel, no reboot, no restart of
There are a lot more possibilities including tracing kernel routines on a
production kernel but it would take too long to describe them....
EMail:joerg@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (home) Jörg Schilling D-13353 Berlin
js@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (uni) If you don't have iso-8859-1
schilling@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (work) chars I am J"org Schilling
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