Re: [Lse-tech] Re: [PATCH] new CSA patchset for 2.6.8
From: Arthur Corliss
Date: Thu Aug 26 2004 - 14:54:00 EST
On Thu, 26 Aug 2004, Jay Lan wrote:
> The reason for breaking up one CSA patch into four patches was
> so that the only CSA ( specific
> thing is the csa_module. My intention is to improve the system
> accounting data collection and make the data available to any
> clients that can use the data. The three areas of accounting
> data we try to improve are io, mm, and per-process area.
> As Tim said the problem of BSD accounting was that it has been
> inactive for a long time. I do not mind incoporating the
> three accounting data collection patches i submitted into BSD or
> others as long as the data made available to modules that plan
> to make use of the data. :)
All right, I'm going to shut up now. I had no idea that SGI had gone behind
my back and started porting CSA to Linux. :-P Before I shut up, though, as a
user of these tools I'd vote for a unified data collection method, as
suggested above. There has to be at least five of us who have volunteered at
one point or another to help make the GNU utilities conform. That should make
everyone happy.
--Arthur Corliss
Bolverk's Lair --
Digital Mages --
"Live Free or Die, the Only Way to Live" -- NH State Motto
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