Re: kernel 2.6.8 pwc patches and counterpatches
From: Xavier Bestel
Date: Fri Aug 27 2004 - 12:45:03 EST
Le ven 27/08/2004 Ã 18:26, Kenneth Lavrsen a Ãcrit :
> My name is Kenneth Lavrsen. I maintain the open source project Motion.
> Probably half of the users of Motion - and there are 1000s of them will
> soon realise that next time they download a Kernel their camera will no
> longer work.
> I personally have 8 such cameras worth a fortune in working action and as a
> Linux user I am so disappointed and angry with the way that the maintainers
> (or is it in reality a single individual with too much power?) are
> threating me and the many other Linux users.
If you value a working binary driver more than anything else, have you
considered switching over to a proprietary OS including said driver ?
Bitching won't get you very far, obviously.
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