Re: reiser4 plugins
From: Nikita Danilov
Date: Sat Aug 28 2004 - 08:49:16 EST
Hans Reiser writes:
> Nikita Danilov wrote:
> > > >Whoever sponsors the benchmark usually wins. Had you forgotten that
> > > >mongo setup used by was specially
> > > >`tuned' to reach peak reiser4 performance? Remember why you decided to
> > > >turn OVERWRITE and MODIFY phases off?
> >
> What I should have done was what I did with fsync performance. With
> fsync performance I told people that we had not yet tuned for it, please
> wait a bit and we will tune for it, for now it sucks.
Right, and instead of this you are now claiming that these `benchmarks'
show superior reiser4 performance. Moreover, you are doing this
aggressively and proposing other people to `eat the dust' over what
happened to only exist due to your failing to remember something. As
some other notable LKML poster put it `inform yourself before
posting'. :-)
> Instead what I did was discuss with Zam at the time how it could be
> fixed, leave it off the website until Zam was given a chance to fix it,
It wasn't Zam. It was me to begin with. OVERWRITE and MODIFY phases were
turned off after switching to large keys.
> and then I managed to forget about it. After release one remembers
> what all the things that should have been fixed before release were, sigh.
> I think your characterization of my reasons was unkind and also unfair.
What fairness and kindness one expects after styling others as `puppies'
in public, and commenting on their hair style in purportedly technical
> Hans
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