Re: silent semantic changes with reiser4
From: Pavel Machek
Date: Sat Aug 28 2004 - 11:12:12 EST
> > > One of the big potential uses for file-as-directory is to go inside
> > > archive files, ELF files, .iso files and so on in a convenient way.
> >
> > Arguably this belongs in userspace --- and people have put it there.
> I agree that these belong in userspace, and that there's plenty* of
> userspace code doing a similar thing already. I don't think there's
> any argument over it.
> However, as far as I know it's not accessible in a file-as-directory
> form as yet. In my opinion that is the most natural form and it would
> be very intuitive to use.
It does not work. .deb file is ar archive. It is also debian
package. How do you know if I want to see it as a package or as a archive?
How do you identify file types, anyway?
Same happens for .tar.gz.
uservfs does
cd foo.deb#uar
cd foo.deb#udeb
cd foo.tgz#utar
cat foo.tgz#ugz
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