Re: [ANNOUNCE] linux-libc-headers
From: Mariusz Mazur
Date: Mon Aug 30 2004 - 06:21:52 EST
On poniedziałek 30 sierpień 2004 09:48, Erik Andersen wrote:
> There is no question that using PAGE_SIZE should be considered
> harmful. But this particular change to the linux-libc-headers
> makes it easy for the common case (bog standard x86) folk to keep
> using a fixed PAGE_SIZE value, and keep writing crap code which
> is now _guaranteed_ to blow chunks on mips, x86_64, etc.
Good point. I'll switch to using getpagesize() everywhere in a release or two.
In the year eighty five ten
God is gonna shake his mighty head
He'll either say,
"I'm pleased where man has been"
Or tear it down, and start again
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