Re: radeon-pre-2
From: Alan Cox
Date: Sat Sep 11 2004 - 12:34:25 EST
On Sad, 2004-09-11 at 18:13, Jon Smirl wrote:
> Coprocessor 3D mode is deeply pipelined
> 2D mode is immediate
Card dependant.
> How can you build a system that process swaps between these two modes?
> The 3D pipeline has to be emptied before you can enter 2D immediate
> mode.
> My solution is to leave the coprocessor always running and convert
> everything to use the DMA based commands.
On such a card when DRI is available that is probably the right path,
especially if it has the "can't software touch the frame buffer while
the engine runs" design flaw.
If DRI isn't loaded, or isn't running you can carry on unaccelerated.
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