Re: Scheduler fairness problem on 2.6 series (Attn: Nick Piggin and others)
From: spaminos-ker
Date: Mon Sep 13 2004 - 15:15:05 EST
--- Peter Williams <pwil3058@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> Nicolas,
>> I'll generate a combined patch and let you know when it's ready. In
>> the mean time, could you try increasing the "base_promotion_interval" to
>> about twice the time slice size?
>A patch for the ZAPHOD compiler on top of the R5 voluntary preemption
>patches is available at:
>Due to the fact that the R5 patch requires the bk12 patch to be applied
>to 2.6.9-rc1 before it is applied, generating a combined patch resulted
>in a very large patch (and lots of duplicated effort) so this patch is
>not a combined patch but is relative to a 2.6.9-rc1 kernel with bk12 and
> voluntary preempt R5 patches already applied.
I have been running for several days with this patched kernel, with
0 for max_ia_bonus
and 0 for max_tpt_bonus
in "pb" mode
and there are no slow downs at all: my system is running very steadily now!
So it seems that we are getting somewhere!!
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