Re: [PATCH] Suspend2 Merge: Driver model patches 0/2
From: Nigel Cunningham
Date: Thu Sep 16 2004 - 17:09:54 EST
On Thu, 2004-09-16 at 22:13, Pavel Machek wrote:
> > It's always interesting trying to remember your logic for doing
> > something after the fact :>. If I recall correctly, it goes like this:
> >
> > Writing two pagesets forces me to account for memory usage much more
> > carefully. I need to ensure before I start to write the image that I
> > know exactly what the size is and have allocated enough memory to do the
> > write. If I get some driver coming along and grabbing memory for who
> > knows what (hotplug, anyone? :>), I may get stuck halfway through
> > writing the image with no memory to use. I also have to be paranoid
> > about how much memory is available because I save that too (some of it
> > may have become slab by the time I do the atomic copy).
> What prevents video driver or disk driver to grab some memory? Tree
> containing disk device can be pretty big [pci-usb-usb_hub-disk] and
> contain some hot-pluggable components.
I do allow some slack to account for this (and slab), but I'm also
relying upon the same assumption you use: that the hardware present at
resume is the same as at suspend, and that the driver model
suspend/resume support will properly and successfully hold off any
activity until resume time.
Nigel Cunningham
Pastoral Worker
Christian Reformed Church of Tuggeranong
PO Box 1004, Tuggeranong, ACT 2901
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