Re: [PATCH][2.6] Add command function to struct i2c_adapter
From: Michael Hunold
Date: Tue Sep 21 2004 - 13:08:39 EST
On 21.09.2004 19:39, Jon Smirl wrote:
There is a related I2C problem with EEPROMs and DDC monitors. DDC
monitors look just like EEPROMs, the EEPROM driver can even read most
of them. But there are DDC monitors that need special wakeup sequences
before their ROMs will appear.
EEPROM and DDC are both algo_bit clients. When you attach a bus to
algo_bit both clients will run. There is concern that sending the
special DDC wake up sequence down non-DDC buses might mess up the bus.
A proposal was made to implement different classes of algo_bit clients
but this was never implemented. Would a class solution help with the
dvb problem too?
It would help to separate dvb clients and dvb busses. I just posted
another mail titled "Adding .class field to struct i2c_client (was Re:
[PATCH][2.6] Add command function to struct i2c_adapter" that adds a
.class entry to the struct i2c_client.
With that addition, it's possible for the i2c core to check if the
.class entries of the adapter and the client match. If they don't then
there is no need to probe a driver. This will help to keep non-i2c
drivers to be probed on dvb i2c busses (and screw them up accidently).
Currently it's up to the driver to decide wheter to probe a bus or not.
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