Re: NOT FIXED (Is anyone using vmware 4.5 with 2.6.9-rc2-mm
From: Norberto Bensa
Date: Wed Sep 22 2004 - 20:38:52 EST
Felipe Alfaro Solana wrote:
> > I must have missed the previous discussion, so
> > what issues are you having (i.e. how does vmware "not work")?
> I think all the problems he is having are related to the fact that he
> has a "tmpfs" mounted on top of "/tmp".
Exactly, I have tmpfs mounted on /tmp; but why does it work with kernels up to
2.6.9-rc1-mm5? I'm an ignorant on all this so an explanation would be nice.
> I'm also using VMware with
> 2.6.9-rc2-mm1 with a plain, disk-based, /tmp directory, with no
> problems at all.
I'll try a plain /tmp directory, but I'd like to know why I can't use tmpfs
anymore with kernels >=2.6.9-rc2-mm1.
Many thanks in advance,
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