Problem in Loading Modules.
From: Dinesh Ahuja
Date: Fri Sep 24 2004 - 13:21:12 EST
I have purchased a book "Linux Device Drivers" By
Alessandro Rubini. I have an eagerness to learn the
Kernel Programming and this is my first step.
I request all of you to help me resolving my problems
as I have this mailing list as a only source to leanr
Kernel Programming.
I have read the example hello.c which illustrates a
simple module.
I was not able to load a module in a running Kernel
2.4.20-6 [ comes with Red Hat Linux 9.0] as it gives
me a following error:
[root@localhost KernelProg]# insmod ./helloMod.o
./helloMod.o: kernel-module version mismatch
./helloMod.o was compiled for kernel version
while this kernel is version 2.4.20-6.
Please guide me how to proceed further in loading this
example module.
Thanks & Regards
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