Re: processor affinity
From: Jon Masters
Date: Tue Sep 28 2004 - 08:54:18 EST
On Tue, 28 Sep 2004 13:25:17 +0100 (BST), Ankit Jain
<ankitjain1580@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> what is meant by processor affinity?
Affinity means that a process has an affinity for a particular subset
of the available CPUs within a particular system - it wishes to run
only on these processors. Linux supports hard processor affinity and
process migration to enforce such demands which get be made using the
POSIX sched_[set|get]param calls.
Robert Love has written an excellent book entitled Linux Kernel
Development, it's not expensive and very worthwhile. Chapter 3 is
entitled Scheduling and it explains process affinity as well as
process migration and the concept of migration threads as used within
the Linux kernel to enforce policy in the implmentation.
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