Re: patches inline in mail

From: Lee Revell
Date: Fri Oct 01 2004 - 14:57:07 EST

On Fri, 2004-10-01 at 09:42, Paul Fulghum wrote:
> On Fri, 2004-10-01 at 07:28, Alan Cox wrote:
> > I've not been able to coax Evolution into not chewing on non attached
> > text either (again RFC compliant but not useful). If anyone knows a
> > magic incantation for it I'd love to know.
> Select 'Preformat' instead of 'Normal' style and
> do Insert->Text File. That works for me.

You can also just copy and paste into Evolution as long as 'Preformat'
is set. I just use 'diff -Nru foo bar | xclip'. The problem is that
'Preformat' is a property of a given text range in the message; there is
no way to set 'Preformat' for all input. So, if you paste with the
mouse and you don't hit the cursor exactly, Evolution will use 'Normal'
style and mangle the text.

It would be better if you could right click anywhere in the message and
have a 'Paste as preformatted' option.

Anyway this is OT, so LKML should be removed from any followups.


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