Jeff Garzik <jgarzik@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Andrew Morton wrote:
Nick Piggin <nickpiggin@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Any thoughts about making -rc's into -pre's, and doing real -rc's?
I think what we have is OK. The idea is that once 2.6.9 is released we
merge up all the well-tested code which is sitting in various trees and has
been under test for a few weeks. As soon as all that well-tested code is
merged, we go into -rc. So we're pipelining the development of 2.6.10 code
with the stabilisation of 2.6.9.
If someone goes and develops *new* code after the release of, say, 2.6.9
then tough tittie, it's too late for 2.6.9: we don't want new code - we
want old-n-tested code. So your typed-in-after-2.6.9 code goes into
That's the theory anyway. If it means that it takes a long time to get
This is damned frustrating :( Reality is _far_ divorced from what you just described.
s/far/a bit/
Major developers such as David and Al don't have trees that see wide testing, their code only sees wide testing once it hits mainline. See this message from David,
Yes, networking has been an exception. I think this has been acceptable
thus far because historically networking has tended to work better than
other parts of the kernel. Although the fib_hash stuff was a bit of a
In particular, I think David's point about -mm being perceived as overly experimental is fair.
I agree - -mm breaks too often. You wouldn't believe the crap people throw
at me :(. But a lot of problems get fixed this way too.
Recent experience seems to directly counter the assertion that only well-tested code is landing in mainline, and it's not hard to pick through the -rc changelogs to find non-trivial, non-bugfix modifications to existing code.
Once we hit -rc2 we shouldn't be doing that.
My own experience with netdev-2.6 bears this out as well: I have several personal examples of bugs sitting in netdev (and thus -mm) for quite a while, only being noticed when the code hits mainline.
yes, I've had a couple of those. Not too many, fortunately. But having
bugs leak in mainline is OK - we expect that. As long as it wasn't late in
the cycle. If it was late in the cycle then, well,
Linus's assertion that "calling it -rc means developers should calm down" (implying we should start concentrating on bug fixing rather than more-fun stuff) is equally fanciful.
Why is it so hard to say "only bugfixes"?
(It's not "only bugfixes". It's "only bugfixes, completely new stuff and
documentation/comment fixes).
But yes. When you see this please name names and thwap people.
The _reality_ is that there is _no_ point in time where you and Linus allow for stabilization of the main tree prior to relesae. The release criteria has devolved to a point where we call it done when the stack of pancakes gets too high.
That's simply wrong.
For instance, 2.6.8-rc1-mm1-series had 252 patches. I'm now sitting on 726
patches. That's 500 patches which are either non-bugfixes or minor
bugfixes which are held back. The various bk tree maintainers do the same