Re: [Ext-rt-dev] Re: [ANNOUNCE] Linux 2.6 Real Time Kernel
From: Adam Heath
Date: Tue Oct 12 2004 - 18:25:10 EST
On Tue, 12 Oct 2004, Bill Huey wrote:
> Yeah, for me a bit of freak out Saturday that is still
> kind of happening since this has been a personal project
> of mine for a long time. :) I interpreted it as a visibility
> move on your company's part, which I hate to say is a bit
> unnerving to know that another group was doing the same
> work. TimeSys's Scott Wood and friends are doing something
> like this as well. I'm only being fair by mentioning them. :)
This is because companies and inviduals still think that developing things
privately is the correct way to go. Doing things this way will leave
open the possibility that someone else will do the same bit of work, and
the final output will clash.
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