Re: [Ext-rt-dev] Re: [ANNOUNCE] Linux 2.6 Real Time Kernel
From: hui
Date: Tue Oct 12 2004 - 18:54:29 EST
On Wed, Oct 13, 2004 at 01:37:06AM +0200, Thomas Gleixner wrote:
> Hey, what are you talking about ?
> Everybody should shut up, until some people have decided that others can
> participate in the development ?
No, just wait and your (everybody's) concern should be address. It takes
time to work through all of the slop. I'm all for syncing to a single
solution, but there's a ton of problems that still need to be addressed.
> I proposed this to stop this stupid race for the better solution, which
> is ugly and horrid, as you accept yourself.
Yes, the efforts are distant from each other and it's going to take time
to resolve it. I'm probably going to use Ingo's stuff in 2.6.9+, but my
stuff in 2.6.7 is useful as a specialized kind of test harness. I'll
have to think about what's the best way of resolving this. I agree on
these points.
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