Re: unkillable process

From: Johan Kullstam
Date: Thu Oct 14 2004 - 07:27:20 EST

Albert Cahalan <albert@xxxxxxxxxxxx> writes:

> It's really bad when a task group leader exits.
> The process becomes unkillable.

I have been having zombie problems since 2.6.9-rc1. I run a boinc
climateprediction program (related to seti@home) which leaves defunct
"cp" processes about. Killing the climatepredictor (called
hadsm3um_4.03_i686-pc-linux-gnu) which spawns them causes these zombie
cp things to get reaped.

> This is with the 2.6.8-rc1 kernel. I haven't seen
> any mention of this getting fixed since then.
> Here's the top of the /proc/*/status file:

I tried it with 2.6.9-rc3 just now and it doesn't make zombies for

climateprediction still makes defunct cp.

(I fired up 2.6.9-rc4 but it somehow wouldn't load the driver for my
ethernet 3c59x. That's another issue, but I have no idea if the
problem has been fixed there since I am stopped by another problem.)

I skimmed over the changelogs but I have found anything looking like a
change in this area. I am not sure what the right keyword(s) to
search for on this topic would be. I didn't grovel through them yet,
but perhaps someone on the list knows what is going on.

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