Re: Linux speed on sun4c
From: Nico Schottelius
Date: Thu Oct 21 2004 - 06:43:43 EST
Did anybody wrote a patch for that?
David S. Miller [Tue, Jul 03, 2001 at 04:07:16PM -0700]:
> Guenter Millahn writes:
> > David, can you publish your idea for a fix? Possibly anybody elese can make
> > the patch?
> Currently under Linux when a constext is recycled because a new
> context is needed but all are in use, we basically toss all of
> the MMU segments that context owned.
> This is bogus because if the contexts are the limited resource
> not the MMU segments themselves, we take a lot of false MMU
> misses on each context switch for no reason.
> The solution is to link the MMU segment software state structures
> into the mm_struct. When an 'mm' reacquires a hw context, if any
> MMU segments remain on the mm's list, just pluck them back into
> the MMU.
> Later,
> David S. Miller
> davem@xxxxxxxxxx
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