Re: My thoughts on the "new development model"
From: William Lee Irwin III
Date: Fri Oct 22 2004 - 17:53:58 EST
On Fri, Oct 22, 2004 at 11:52:50PM +0200, Espen Fjellv?r Olsen wrote:
> This may come a bit late now, since the "new development model" was
> put through late this summer.
> But anyway i'm going to come with som thoughts about it.
> I think that 2.6 should be frozen from now on, just security related
> stuff should be merged.
> This would strengthen Linux's reputation as a stable and secure
> system, not a unstable and a system just used for fun.
> A 2.7 should be created where all new experimental stuff is merged
> into it, and where people could begin to think new again.
> New thoughts are good in all ways, it is for sure very much code in
> the current kernels that should be revised, rewritten and maybe marked
> as deprecated.
> :)
We should write code, not blow release nomenclature smoke.
-- wli
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