Re: 2.6.9-mm1
From: Kasper Sandberg
Date: Sat Oct 23 2004 - 17:05:51 EST
ey, i'd like to see it in the kernel too, i have seen people have
issues, and people have also told me that i should be scared of losing
my data, i have been using reiser4 since 2.6.5, and i have had servers
running it (well not any servers with extremely high load though), and
my workstation has it on a partition where i keep misc stuff, and this
is also where i do alot of conversions of movies, with transcode, and
alot other stuff, so it sure has alot activity, however, not a single
problem... i think its perfectly fine enough to go into the kernel,
atleast as marked EXPERIMENTAL, i would rather place my data on reiser4,
than ext3, according to my experiences (and i do this too)
On Sat, 2004-10-23 at 00:22 -0700, Avuton Olrich wrote:
> On Fri, 22 Oct 2004 03:20:39 -0700, Andrew Morton <akpm@xxxxxxxx> wrote:
> > - reiser4: not sure, really. The namespace extensions were disabled,
> > although all the code for that is still present. Linus's filesystem
> > criterion used to be "once lots of people are using it, preferably when
> > vendors are shipping it". That's a bit of a chicken and egg thing though.
> > Needs more discussion.
> *Disclamer: My first post to the list, sorry if something's wrong with
> it (blame gmail ;P)*
> I've been using reiser4 in four of my computers since it was in -mm.
> All partitions (excl. /boot), including 2 boxes that have been up
> since (well, reboots for -mm updates from time to time) the reiser4
> conversion and not a hiccup since. I'm always shocked when people
> speak about how my computers are going to blow up, how people who run
> reiser4 must be insane, etc... I've heard it all. Truth is, at the end
> of the day, me, Joe End User, has had no issues. I'm not here to say
> it's perfect (only the programmers know for sure, IANAP), but it's far
> from unpredictable.
> The fs's have taken their share of beatings too, testing the new ACPI
> stuff lately has lead to plenty of lockups and reiser4 deals much
> better than filesystems I have played with in the past.
> What I'm trying to say here is I've seen more instability in other
> places in the kernel lately than I've seen come from reiser4 at all.
> What hurts when including it, when people have the choice not to
> compile in and have the big EXPERIMENTAL warning?
> -
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