Re: Temporary NFS problem when rpciod is SIGKILLed
From: Jan Engelhardt
Date: Mon Oct 25 2004 - 09:28:50 EST
>Hi Trond.
>I observed a problem with NFS root in 2.6 kernel
>(actually it was a 2.5 back then).
Does it also happen on 2.4?
>I am using NFS root. At shutdown, when I kill
>all processes with killall5 -9, NFS temporarily
>misbehaves. I narrowed it down to rpciod feeling
>bad when signalled with SIGKILL:
I think this has to do that you kill some userspace application that is
necessary for NFS. I am not exactly sure which one it is (if at all), but I
have had problems mounting an NFS volume when started with -b option (mounting
the root however was done ok by the kernel)
Jan Engelhardt
Gesellschaft fЭr Wissenschaftliche Datenverarbeitung
Am Fassberg, 37077 GЖttingen,
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