jmerkey@xxxxxxxxx (Jeff V. Merkey) wrote on 22.10.04 in <41793204.9090208@xxxxxxxxx>:
David Weinehall wrote:
(Quoting from groklaw wrt that lawsuit:)
"The judge had a few descriptive words for Mr. Merkey, as you will note
particularly in paragraph 123 - 125 of the Findings of Fact:
124. In fact, however, Merkey is not just prone to exaggeration, he also
is and can be deceptive, not only to his adversaries, but also to his
own partners, his business associates and to the court. He deliberately
describes his own, separate reality."
This was written by Novell's stooge Judge Schoefield. It's total
fiction. Don't worry, it will get cleared up soon.
Ah, yes, like you claimed that commission was looking at the video of the case when it actually wasn't ...
You seem to be pretty much the personified definition of a reality distortion field.
Makes me wonder if you *ever*, in your whole life, told the unvarnished truth even once.