Re: Some discussion points open source friendly graphics [was: HARDWARE: Open-Source-Friendly Graphics Cards -- Viable?]
From: Timothy Miller
Date: Tue Oct 26 2004 - 10:16:26 EST
Giuseppe Bilotta wrote:
Timothy Miller wrote:
The reprogramability of the FPGA has many advantages, but
reprogramability is not its primary purpose. The primary reason to use
an FPGA is to minimize NRE for manufacturing. However, as a result,
users will be able to download updates. Additionally, those who are
Jeff Garzik wrote:
Will the capability to apply these updates be included with the base card?
Will users need to purchase additional "update FPGA" hardware to do the
Also, what if the reprogramming goes wrong? Do I just throw the
card away or will there be some form of recovery possible?
For those who are taking the risk of reprogramming it completely,
they'll already have read the schematics and instructions for using an
external device to program the PROM.
For everyone else, it's the same problem you get when programming a
motherboard goes awry. When the BIOS is hosed, you can't use the MB
until you replace the chip.
For cost reasons, we likely wouldn't socket the chip, so you'd probably
have to send it in for an RMA. We'd reprogram it, and send it back. Or
if you have a friend with the right tools, they can do it.
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