Re: [BUG][] serial driver hangs SMP kernel, but not the UP kernel
From: Russell King
Date: Fri Oct 29 2004 - 17:12:14 EST
On Fri, Oct 29, 2004 at 02:55:10PM -0500, Tim_T_Murphy@xxxxxxxx wrote:
> I've read about several problems others are having with the new 2.6
> serial driver in the list, and tried to see if their solutions solved
> my issue also, but unfortunately none that I have tried yet have helped.
Well, this is the first I know of this kind of problem...
> We're migrating our applications for the Dell Remote Access Controller
> (DRAC) to run on a 2.6 kernel from a 2.4 kernel. Communication between
> the apps and the DRAC happen over a ppp link which is established via
> a service startup script; the script uses setserial to prepare an unused
> tty (based on the assigned hardware information, obtained via lspci),
> and the script then calls pppd to finish/establish the link.
Shouldn't 8250_pci setup the ports already for you? If not, what needs
to be done to achieve this. Using setserial to setup ports for PCI cards
isn't the preferred way of doing this.
At a guess, you've enabled "low latency" setting on this port ?
Russell King
Linux kernel 2.6 ARM Linux -
maintainer of: 2.6 PCMCIA -
2.6 Serial core
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