Re: 2.6.10-rc1 crashes on recursive directory walk [2.6.9 was OK]
From: dap
Date: Sat Oct 30 2004 - 13:32:21 EST
On Sat, 2004-10-30 at 19:24, Jurriaan wrote:
> From: dap <dap@xxxxxxxxx>
> Date: Sat, Oct 30, 2004 at 07:08:36PM +0200
> >
> > I've used xfs and ext3 on a large ftp server with lots of files, and
> > when I do a 'find / -ls' with the kernel 2.6.10-rc1, the server crashes
> > with no Oops or other message. only the reset button give a response.. I
> > can reproduce it any time with find, but the point of crash is random,
> > it can crash on xfs and ext3 partitions too.. 2.6.9 works fine in this
> > environment..
> >
> What are the tailing lines of 'strace find / -ls' ?
the only problem is that it's a productive server with large, software
raid5 arrays and lockups can trigger resync`s that leads to a
significant performance degradation for days and the users really hates
this, so I'll try to reproduce it with another box on this weekend. if I
can't, I'll do it on the productive server and send the results..
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