Re: Raid1 DM vs MD
From: Bernd Eckenfels
Date: Sun Oct 31 2004 - 14:35:58 EST
In article <Pine.LNX.4.61.0410311902300.1819@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> you wrote:
> I had one MD-Raid1 where a good copy of the mirror was overwritten by the
> bad (old) copy ... I lost 3 Month worth of data and I am expecting loosing
> a linux project and in the worst case - even a court case :(
This is the expected behaviour in your situation.
I mean, if you dont do backup for month something has to go wrong :)
But more seriouly, when did that overwrite happen? After reboot or have you
changed media? Was the data lost because of corruption or because the old
copy did not contained the data?
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