Re: IPv6 dead in -bk11
From: YOSHIFUJI Hideaki / 吉藤英明
Date: Tue Nov 02 2004 - 09:51:48 EST
In article <418781EF.7020100@xxxxxxxxx> (at Tue, 02 Nov 2004 07:47:43 -0500), Jeff Garzik <jgarzik@xxxxxxxxx> says:
> IPv6 works 100% for my workstations in 2.6.10-rc2-bk2, but fails in
> 2.6.10-rc2-bk11:
> [jgarzik@sata g]$ ping6
> connect: Network is unreachable
Please send me:
% ifconfig -a
% netstat -nr --inet6
% ip -6 addr
% ip -6 route
% ip -6 neigh
--yoshfuji @ still trying to debug refcnt etc....
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