Re: 2.6.9-ac5: dm-snapshot and XFS failures
From: Joerg Sommrey
Date: Fri Nov 05 2004 - 14:27:54 EST
On Fri, Nov 05, 2004 at 08:37:50AM +0100, Joerg Sommrey wrote:
> Hi,
> in the last time I found some "strange" things happening while backing
> up. For backing up I create a snapshot of all dm-devices, generate new
> UUIDs and mount the snapshot filesystems r/o (all XFS).
> While the backup was done there were hard lockups, XFS corruptions and
> a DM failure.
I was unable to remove the two stale snapshot volumes and tried to solve
that with a reboot. "shutdown -r now" did hang. I was able to do a
SysRq-T trace, if this is of any interest. (rather large ~180K)
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