Re: [ #214016] GPL Violation of 'sveasoft' with GPL Linux Kernel/Busybox + code

From: Alan Cox via RT
Date: Tue Nov 09 2004 - 07:08:54 EST

On Maw, 2004-11-09 at 00:11, novalis@xxxxxxx via RT wrote:
> But if you distribute binaries, you must either include or offer source
> code. Do they do this? What software do they include that FSF holds
> copyright on? Where can I check this?
> Do they include a copy of the GPL with the software?

They include the GPL, they include the source nothing I can find they do
violates the GPL. They do appear to annoy a few people because their
policy is that while you may join their early access process and get
source if you redistribute that source then you get kicked off their
program, but you are still allowed to distribute that source.

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