Re: Mangling attributions.

From: Måns Rullgård
Date: Wed Nov 10 2004 - 08:26:21 EST

Russell King <rmk+lkml@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> writes:

> On Wed, Nov 10, 2004 at 01:40:34PM +0100, Måns Rullgård wrote:
>> Well, let people agree to their email address being published if they
>> wish. I personally don't mind it at all.
> That's extra overhead for scripts and such like which I'm unable to
> ensure is safely implemented. Sorry.
> Look, I _am_ taking the easy way out of this by completely avoiding
> the issue by eliminating or munging email addresses such that they
> can't be read as such. The alternative is that patches go into the
> BK tree as "rmk@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" - but people don't like that
> either. So the munging is a compromise to keep people happy.
> If people find that unacceptable, here's what those people can do:
> If someone wants me to change this, go find a UK solicitor who is an
> expert in this area and who is willing to provide his services in this
> area for free (hey, we're talking about my _personal_ activities here
> after all which are _completely_ unfunded) to answer questions in this
> area. Alternatively, the people with a problem can fund such a solicitor.
> Anything short of that are just random opinions and carry no weight
> what so ever, and I will not change my activities in a way which I
> personally believe will infringe UK law.

The other easy solution is to post a prominent notice somewhere
stating that by submitting a patch, you agree to the publishing of the
email address used when submitting said patch. Such schemes are often
used in Sweden to avoid these issues.

Måns Rullgård
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