Re: [PATCH] Partitioned loop devices, support for 127 Partitionson SATA, IDE and SCSI

From: Carl-Daniel Hailfinger
Date: Wed Nov 10 2004 - 23:56:21 EST

Alexander E. Patrakov schrieb:
> Carl-Daniel Hailfinger wrote:
>>having seen the problems people have when switching from traditional IDE
>>drivers to libata if they have more than 15 partitions, I decided to do
>>something against it. With this patch (and recreating /dev/loop* nodes)
>>it is possible to support up to 127 partitions per loop device
>>regardless what the underlying device supports. It works for me
>>and has the added bonus that it will be in compatibility mode as long
>>as you don't specify the max_part parameter.
> Why not just use EVMS? Partition code is supposed to be moved to userspace
> anyway.

Because my solution works fine with userspace partitioning code (I tested
with partx from util-linux) and has the big advantage that partitions
actually appear at the right place in /sys/block/loopN/loopNpM. Most
other solutions for many partitions per device failed to make the
relationship between parent device and partition visible in sysfs.
I haven't checked yet how EVMS handles this. Could you post
find /sys/block/$SOME_EVMS_DISK/ -type d
for a normal disk which is completely managed by EVMS so I can verify
whether that would be satisfactory. Thanks.

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