Re: New HDD (was RE: PROMISE Ultra133 TX2 (PDC20269))
From: Joel Jaeggli
Date: Sat Nov 13 2004 - 12:29:20 EST
On Sat, 13 Nov 2004, Enrico Bartky wrote:
Now I have attached a 80 GB UDMA5 Disk. The hdparm putput says the right
UDMA Mode (5). But the hdparm test, I run it 3 times, says 27 MByte/s!?
Is that normal, or is my motherboard ( Gigabyte GA-5AA ) to old ( PCI
Bus = 33 MHz ). In the manuel from promise there is it described that 33
MHz have bandwith of 133 MByte/s and with 66 MHz 266 MByte/s.
27MB/s is reasonable for a 7200rpm ide disk that isn't totaly state of the
art (ie 100GB per platter or something). what were you expecting? That's a
pentium era mainboard is it not?
a similar disk (40GB single platter wester digital 7200rpm) in and amd 64
box I have is:
[root@twin joelja]# hdparm -t /dev/hda
Timing buffered disk reads: 102 MB in 3.05 seconds = 33.43 MB/sec
the sata 80GB per platter disk in the same box is:
[root@twin joelja]# hdparm -t /dev/sda1
Timing buffered disk reads: 150 MB in 3.02 seconds = 49.71 MB/sec
Can you help me, how can I get more transfer rates?
Thanx, EnricoB
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