Additionally, when packets sizes 64, 128, and 256 are selected, pktgen is unable to achieve > 500,000 pps (349,000 only on my system).
A Smartbits generator can achieve over 1 million pps with 64 byte packets on gigabit. This is one performance
issue for this app. However, at 1500 and 1048 sizes, gigabit saturation is achievable.
Jeff V. Merkey wrote:
With pktgen.o configured to send 123MB/S on a gigabit on a system using pktgen set to the following parms:
pgset "odev eth1"
pgset "pkt_size 1500"
pgset "count 0"
pgset "ipg 5000"
pgset "src_min"
pgset "src_max"
pgset "dst_min"
pgset "dst_max"
After 37 hours of continual packet generation into a gigabit regeneration tap device,
the server system console will start to respawn the INIT process about every 10-12
hours of continuous packet generation.
As a side note, this module in Linux is extremely useful and the "USE WITH CAUTION" warnings
are certainly will stated. The performance of this tool is excellent.