Jan-Benedict Glaw wrote:-On Tue, 2004-11-23 12:28:54 -0500, Justin Piszcz <jpiszcz@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
wrote in message <Pine.LNX.4.61.0411231216470.3740@p500>:
Each driver works, I have not benchmarked performance with one over the other with ttcp yet; however, does anyone have any experience with using one over the other? I see the tulip has several options and the de4x5 seems to be a rather generic driver.
The de4x5 driver supports some older revisions of the tulip chipset
which aren't supported by the tulip driver. I guess it could be made to
support those, too, but nobody did that up to now.
Incorrect, the older chips are supported by the de2104x driver.
de4x5 will be going away.
You can actually see the difference on older Alphas: de4x5 works while
tulip doesn't transmit or receive a single packet (getting netdev
watchdogs later on...).
That's a bug in tulip.