Re: 2.6.10-rc2-mm2 usb storage still oopses
From: Fabio Coatti
Date: Tue Nov 30 2004 - 04:15:43 EST
Alle 04:22, martedì 30 novembre 2004, James Bottomley ha scritto:
> > >
> > > This looks as if SCSI falls victim of the general problem which ub
> > > addresses with the following fragment:
> >
> > Guys, is this problem still present in Linus's tree? If so, is a fix for
> > 2.6.10 looking feasible?
> Al Viro has a tentative one at
> If someone could try it out and verify that it fixes the problem, we
> could put it in.
Now I'm at work; this evening I'll try and I'll report asap the results. on
wich kernel does it apply? last kernels that I've tried are 2.6.10-rcX-mmY
series, but I can try the most suitable version for debugging, just let me
Fabio "Cova" Coatti
Ferrara Linux Users Group
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