Re: Contribute - How to

From: Bill Davidsen
Date: Tue Dec 07 2004 - 12:34:56 EST

ram mohan wrote:
I am willing to contribute to the development of Linux
kernel. I googled a bit and found that I should join
the list and then I can go ahead.
I would like to know.
1. What are the features currently being worked upon?
2. Are there any things-to-do lists maintained?

See bugzilla for a list of current problems. Pick one, start small, test the fix and submit patches. Alternately if you have any of hardware around for which the 2.6 driver is marked broken, you can unbreak it. If you do a good job you might become the maintainer for that driver (good news/bad news).

3. How are new features selected?
4. Can I suggest new features?

Usually by someone coding them as proof of concept. However, before starting code on anything large, an RFC (req for comments) post may reveal someone else solving the problem, or that the cure is worse than the problem for some inobvious reason, or that someone important (Linus, akpm, DavidM) just doesn't like it even though it works perfectly and introduces no new problems.

Good luck, glad to see someone ready to help.

-bill davidsen (davidsen@xxxxxxx)
"The secret to procrastination is to put things off until the
last possible moment - but no longer" -me
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