Re: How to measure flow of time using Time Stamp Counter on i386machines

From: linux-os
Date: Wed Dec 08 2004 - 15:01:40 EST

On Thu, 9 Dec 2004, krishna wrote:

Hi all,

Can anyone tell me how to measure flow of time using Time Stamp Counter on pentium machines.
Which documentation could help me in understanding it.

Krishna Chaitanya

The rdtsc instruction returns the CPU clocks that have occurred
since the time the machine was started. If you assemble the
provided code as:

as -o tim.o tim.S

... then link this with your code, it will return the CPU clocks
that have occurred between two successive calls..

extern long long tim(void);

long long total;

(void)tim(); // Initialize
do_something(); // Some code to measure
total = tim(); // Get measurement

printf("Total CPU clocks are %lld\n", total);


# This is free software written by Richard B. Johnson. No
# copyright is claimed. It is also not guaranteed to do anything
# useful.

lastl: .long 0
lasth: .long 0
.align 8 .globl tim
.type tim@function

# Return the CPU clock difference between successive calls.
tim: pushl %ebx
movl (lastl), %ebx # Get last low longword
movl (lasth), %ecx # Get last high longword
movl %eax, (lastl) # Save current low longword
movl %edx, (lasth) # Save current high longword
subl %ebx, %eax # Current - last
sbbl %ecx, %edx # Same with borrow
popl %ebx

Dick Johnson
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