Re: ide-cd problem revisited - more brainpower needed

From: Alan Chandler
Date: Sun Dec 12 2004 - 08:36:53 EST

On Sunday 12 December 2004 11:39, Alan Cox wrote:

> Thanks ok so it moves with the drive. I'm beginning to wonder if it is
> just a dud drive.

I do too and am almost ready to throw in the towel (and I seem to be almost
unique in experiencing these problems) - except

1) There is an open bug report on debian (#265747) of someone with the same
model of drive having problems (and to which I added myself). Later down the
bug discussion someone else has chipped in with a Cyberdrive (different
model) with problems.

3) This is absolutely consistent every run. Its the READ BUFFER command where
it first occurs (without DMA), and this is not the first time that data has
been transfered (via pio). However, under both Windows XP and linux 2.4
(using the ide-scsi module) the drive works perfectly.

[Thinks - maybe I should spend some time looking at the 2.4 code and
understanding the differences]

Yesterday, I eventually got to the Cyberdrive Web site (it seems to have been
unavailable for a while) and downloaded the latest firmware upgrade. The
upgrade worked perfectly (had to do it under windows) and it made absolutely
no difference.

Alan Chandler
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then they fight you, then you win. --Gandhi
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